R32 HKS Intercooler Piping Kit, 4 Piece Kit, 2 In & 2 Out PipesView larger

R32 HKS Intercooler Piping Kit, 4 Piece Kit, 2 In & 2 Out Pipes

Intercooler Piping Kit by HKS®. Includes: 4 Piece Kit, 2 In and 2 Out Pipes. Finish: Buff. The factory intake duct is only to connect the air intake boots to the turbocharger.

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£462.00 (VAT incl.)
£385.00 (VAT excl.)

Part # 1302-SN001

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HKS Carbon Suction Piping Kit was designed to improve the turbocharger’s intake efficiency by reducing the suction resistance. Also, when the boost pressure smoothly increases, the engine output at the low RPM can be improved, and the boost pressure at high RPM can be stabilized; therefore, the engine output at high RPM can be improved. This piping kit is made of Carbon that can improve the engine compartment appearance. Also, this kit can improve performance for the vehicle with the factory turbocharger to the one with Sport Turbine Kit.


- Designed to deliver trouble-free, consistent performance
- Right for your vehicle and lifestyle
- Made from high-quality materials for ultimate durability
- Manufactured to meet or exceed strict quality requirements

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