Nissan GT-R R35 Hawk Performance HP Plus Brake Pads, Rear - 09-11View larger

R35 GT-R Hawk Performance HP Plus Brake Pads, Rear - 09-11

Hawk Performance HP PLUS compound can take the heat at the Track and get you home safely without having to change your brake pads in and out. This compound was designed for the serious street and autocross enthusiast. Warning! Due to the dramatic friction levels produced by this product to achieve "race-level" braking; rotor wear, noise, dust, and pad wear may be increased.

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£186.26 (VAT incl.)
£155.22 (VAT excl.)

Part # HB193N.670

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- Extremely high friction output
- Race worthy for autocross
- Race worthy for club racing events
- Elevated temperature resistance

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