370z TORQEN Heavy Duty Concentric Slave Cylinder - CSC

370z TORQEN Heavy Duty Concentric Slave Cylinder - CSC

£329.00 (VAT incl.)
£274.17 (VAT excl.)


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By Alan M on 23/10/2020
Text: Upgraded to this CSC after the stock Nissan plastic one failed and left me with a dead clutch pedal and a driveway covered in hydraulic fluid.
I have a Southbend solid flywheel and an ACT HDSS clutch. With the stock CSC, the clutch was a bit jumpy and didn't seem up to the task of the bigger spring on the ACT clutch. The TORQEN CSC cleaned up all of this and made using the heavier clutch a much easier prospect. If your stock CSC goes, or if you're upgrading your clutch to something a little more racy, then IMO this CSC is a must.
My mechanic said it was a painless installation and a quality bit of kit as well.
By You'll need one of these... on 17/09/2020
Text: If you have a 370z, then sooner or later your slave cylinder is going to stop working. This one gets around Nissan's shoddy OEM design and provides a long lasting and quality upgrade to the transmission system of these great cars.
Was almost glad my OEM one gave up on me and I opted for one of these, so much better than the factory equipped junk. Combined with the JWT SMF clutch kit - brilliant.
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