370z AutoTecknic Dry Carbon Dual Air Ducts

This is a set of brand new dual carbon fiber air ducts for the Nissan 370Z. It fits all 2010 and Up year model 370Zs. They are functional pieces that direct cold air flows directly to the individual intake boxes. The carbon fiber will also accentuate the front end look of your 370Z; providing a more menacing look compared to the bland OEM bumper.

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£318.00 (VAT incl.)
£265.00 (VAT excl.)

Part # NS-0021

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Trimming the bumper is required to install these air ducts. These dual air ducts will definitely make your 370Z stand out from the rest by giving it a more aggressive look.

Dry carbon fiber's name comes from its manufacturing process. Dry carbon fiber is formed by using a "pre-preg" or impregnated piece of carbon materials. This piece of carbon is first placed into a mold, and then into a sealed autoclave to properly cure. This particular method creates the least amount of waste and forms a lighter version of carbon than the “wet” method. The autoclave vacuuming process of making dry carbon means that there are fewer pinholes and virtually no air pockets that form in the carbon. Dry carbon is the highest-quality version of carbon fiber products that are produced.

Installation is easy, with proper tools, it should take no longer than 30 minutes. A free cutting template and 3M mounting double-sided tape will be included with the package. Please note that trimming your bumper is required for mounting these air ducts.

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