350z Eibach Pro-Alignment Front Camber KitView larger

350z Eibach Pro-Alignment Front Camber Kit

After the installation of either an Eibach Pro-Kit, Sportline spring kit or Pro-Street coil-over kit, a vehicle's alignment should always be checked. Once a vehicle is lowered, wheel camber may become excessively negative, meaning the top of the tire is angled inward (toward the center of the vehicle).

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£503.80 (VAT incl.)
£419.84 (VAT excl.)

Part # 5.72123K

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While some negative camber aids in improving traction and road adhesion, too much can result in compromised handling and accelerated tire wear.

Eibach offers a complete range of Pro-Alignment kits, which provide a simple, affordable solution to correct excessive negative camber. These alignment kits not only assist in adjusting a vehicle's camber back to factory specifications, but they also allow an experienced chassis tuner to utilize the increased adjustment range to "dial-in" a performance-oriented alignment that uses negative camber to maximize a chassis' true potential. With correct alignment, turn-in becomes more precise and handling becomes gratifyingly crisp and predictable. High-speed stability is also enhanced, making an Eibach Pro-Alignment kit a necessity for the serious performance tuner.

For the extreme lowering of Sportline and Pro-Street applications, look for the alignment kits with a greater range of alignment necessary to accommodate the extreme lowering. These will be listed below the standard Pro-Alignment kit in the applications section.

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