350z HR PMAS MAF Performance Sensor View larger

350z HR PMAS MAF Performance Sensor

Will never peg! Sensor will support over 700HP when installed in a 3" housing! Updated sensor curve has been engineered to maintain perfect idle resolution even when used on vehicles making under 300HP.

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£589.00 (VAT incl.)
£490.83 (VAT excl.)

Part # HPX-N2-2

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This sensor can be used in any housing from 2" to over 5"! It can also be used for blow-thru or draw-through configurations.
PMAS is the ONLY mass airflow manufacturer to use N.I.S.T. traceable equipment to produce Mass airflow sensors.
PMAS is the ONLY mass airflow manufacturer with a flow station capable of flowing higher than 1500 KG/HR (400HP). Our stand can flow over 8000 KG/HR!!
Our competition can only flow half of the actual MAF range and then use math formulas to GUESS at the actual maf output at high horsepower. This insures accurate and repeatable MAF calibrations within 1%!! For perfect drivability.
Limited lifetime warranty.

This is the last mass airflow sensor you will ever buy!

*Requires Computer Tuning

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