350z ARP ARP2000 Connecting Rod Bolts for Brian Crower BC Connecting Rods, AR8900View larger

350z ARP ARP2000 Connecting Rod Bolts for Brian Crower BC Connecting Rods, AR8900

BC Brian Crower is proud to feature ARP, the premier manufacturer of high quality fasteners, in every BC connecting rod. ARP rod bolts are superior to those from other manufacturer's, especially in the area of fatigue strength.

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£19.20 (VAT incl.)
£16.00 (VAT excl.)

Part # AR8900

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Testing has shown that ARP rod bolts have ten times the fatigue strength of other fasteners. These fasteners are also available for purchase separately for replacement purposes. ARP2000 – an exclusive, hybrid alloy developed to deliver superior strength and better fatigue properties, capable of achieving a clamp load of 220,000 psi. ARP Custom Age 625+ - Newly formulated super-alloy demonstrates superior fatigue life cycle, tensile strength and toughness, with complete resistance to atmospheric corrosion and oxidation. The Custom Age is ARP's ultimate fastener, capable of achieving a clamp load of 260,000 psi.

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