350z Z33 HPI EVOLVE Side Tank Oil Cooler Kit

HPI offer their EVOLVE Side Tank Oil Cooler Kit for the Z33 and Z34 Fairlady Z cars. The Z33 is a air duct type, while the Z34 is an integrated under panel type.

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£1,199.00 (VAT incl.)
£999.17 (VAT excl.)

Part # HPOCE-Z33V

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Z34 Fairlady Z: An integrated under panel type that adopts the maximum capacity W5 side tank oil cooler. Horizontally mounts the core and independently guiding air, without robbing airflow from the radiator. This kit enables better cooling for not only the oil temperature, but also the water temperature.

Recommended for use with EVOLVE Radiator Kit
Ducts are incorporated into the under panel to help remove hot air from the engine bay
A removable access hatch in the under panel allows for oil changes without removing the entire panel
Engine Oil Capacity: Approximately 7L
Under Panel is made of light weight and durable FRP

Z33 Fairlady Z: Utilizes the W5 large capacity W5 side tank oil cooler core mounted horizontally. Ducting allows for direct airflow without disturbing the airflow to the radiator. This kit enables better cooling for not only the oil temperature, but also the water temperature.
Recommended for use with EVOLVE Radiator Kit
Aluminum Air Duct recommended
Engine Oil Capacity: Approximately 6.5L

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