EVO 8 & 9 Injector Dynamics 1000cc/min Fuel Injector Kit

ID1000 Fuel Injector Kit (1000. by Injector Dynamics®, 4 Pieces. Length: 60mm. O-Ring type: 11mm Upper, 16mm x 3mm, Dash 204 Lower Square. The ID1000 was the first offering from Injector Dynamics, and was also the first to offer a number of innovative features to the motorsport community.

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£480.00 (VAT incl.)
£400.00 (VAT excl.)

Part # 1000.

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- Nominal Flow Rate – 1015cc/min 3.0 Bar (43.5 psi) Using Gasoline at 52 Degrees C (125 Degrees F)
- Maximum Differential Fuel Pressure – 7.0 Bar (101.5 psi)
- Fuel Compatibility – Compatible With All Known Fuels
- Electrical Connector – USCAR


- The first injector offered with full dynamic characterization providing tuners with the data they needed to do their job properly
- The first injector to be offered in dead time matched sets
- The first high impedance high flow injector available providing stock idle and drivability on engines as small as 325cc per cylinder
- The first injector offered with the now standard "Top Hat Adapter" making it plug and play in nearly any application

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