Mitsubishi EVO 4G63 Kiggly Racing HLA Pressure RegulatorView larger

Mitsubishi EVO 4G63 Kiggly Racing HLA Pressure Regulator

HLA Pressure Regulator - Fits all 4g63 including DSM and EVO 8/9

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£241.00 (VAT incl.)
£200.83 (VAT excl.)

Part # 1205

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•A Kiggly Racing LLC Original Design

•This is one of our most popular products and can be found on countless 4g63 powered street and race cars

•Actively Regulates Lash Adjuster Supply Pressure to a Constant 15psi

•Reduces Oil Flow Into the Head, Keeps More Oil in the Pan

•Air Bleed at the Highest Point Helps Oil Quality and Aeration to Lash Adjusters

•Does not reduce pressure to the cams or turbocharger feed, these are still full pressure

•It will also reduce the amount of oil pushed to the catch, allowing it to stay in the bottom end.

•Fits all 4G63 DOHC including DSM and EVO 8/9

•100% Made in the USA

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