Vibrant Performance Slip Joint Adapter for 2" O.D. Tubing (3 piece assembly)View larger

Vibrant Performance Slip Joint Adapter for 2" O.D. Tubing (3 piece assembly)

Description: Slip Joint Adapter for 2" O.D. Tubing (3 piece assembly)

Material: 304 Stainless Steel

Warranty: Five Year Limited Warranty

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£40.74 (VAT incl.)
£33.95 (VAT excl.)

Part # vib13286

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The Vibrant Performance T304 Stainless Steel Double Slip Joint Fittings are available for 1.5" to 3" OD tubing. Ideal for achieving the lowest profile exhaust joint between exhaust system components. They are great for through-frame conditions when space is limited. They are also ideal for making turbo header connections and dump tubes that recirculate upstream of the exhaust system flex joint. Vibrant's Double Slip Joints are commonly used in light gauge turbo header fabrication to aid in light mobility of the header under heat and stress.

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