Vibrant Performance Soft Mount Vacuum Line Fitting KitView larger

Vibrant Performance Soft Mount Vacuum Line Fitting Kit

Description: Soft Mount Vacuum Line Fitting Kit

Material: T6061 Aluminum Fitting/Zinc Plated Steel fasteners

Warranty: One Year Limited Warranty

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£15.54 (VAT incl.)
£12.95 (VAT excl.)

Part # vib12890

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Vibrant's Soft Mount Vacuum Line fitting are designed to be inserted into a silicone connector and are guaranteed not to leak.

Simply Punch an 8mm hole into the silicone connector and install the fitting kit.

This fitting kit can be used for all sorts of applications. If your turbo's compressor housing doesn't come pretapped for a vacuum fitting, this fitting kit makes that process much easier.

Kit Includes:

- CNC Machined Aluminum Fitting
- Zinc Plated Steel Lock Nut and Washer
- Rubber O-Ring gasket

For use with Vibrant Performance 5/32" (4mm) I.D. vacuum hoses.

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