Red Line Complete Fuel System Cleaner for Motorcycles 118mlView larger

Red Line Complete Fuel System Cleaner for Motorcycles 118ml

Concentrated high-temp detergents clean your carburetors or fuel injectors fuel lines tank intake valves combustion chambers and fouled plugs
Improves fuel economy throttle response hesitation and stalling
Compatible with both pump petrol and race fuel pre-mixed or injected two-strokes

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Part # red60102

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Cleans deposits on intake valves and combustion chambers lubricates upper cylinder
Reduces octane demand and regain lost power and improve fuel economy
Cleans emission control systems (safe for the latest catalytic converters and sensors)
Pour one bottle into a street bike dirt bike ATV or PWC for quick clean-up

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These products offer unprecedented value with concentration to treat larger fuel volumes at a lower cost.

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