Killer B Equal Length 4-1 Holy Header EJ Series with SwainTech Ceramic CoatingView larger

Killer B Motorsport Equal Length 4-1 Holy Header EJ Series with SwainTech Ceramic Coating

Killer B Motorsport klbHH4-1-SWAIN
Killer B Equal Length 4-1 Holy Header EJ Series with SwainTech Ceramic Coating
The Killer B Motorsport Holy Header was developed using state of the art CAD software & simulations to determine optimal design to increase power as much as possible throughout the rev range.

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£1,784.84 (VAT incl.)
£1,487.37 (VAT excl.)

Part # klbHH4-1-SWAIN

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Short as possible primaries with a single secondary significantly decrease header volume allowing exhaust gas pressure to build quickly. Symmetrical 4-1 design maintains high and consistent exhaust velocity as RPMs rise. You can expect faster spool up time compared to long primary/double secondary designs. A difference you will immediately notice in throttle/boost response and the ability to hold more power higher into the revs.

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